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Planning Board Minutes 04/24/06
Planning Board Minutes
April 24, 2006
Town Hall

Present:        William Meegan, Chair, John Flender, Russell Walton, Edward Kenyon, Richard Osnoss, Mitchell Posin, Janet Weidner and Deborah Cini, Administrative Assistant.

Public: Bart Bussink.

Call to Order:
Mr. Meegan opened the meeting at 4:30p.m.

Vincent Map 11 Lot 1.1:
Mr. Meegan advised the Board he spoke with Mr. Provost. Mr. Provost stated he would like to request an extension of the Plan to May 8, 2006 meeting. Mr. Walton moved to allow continuance of this discussion to the May 8, 2006 meeting contingent upon receipt of a written request. Mr. Kenyon seconded. Motion approved.

Mr. Bussink for Map 7 Lot 21 Re-Approval Request:
Mr. Meegan read the letter from Paul Foley of the MVC. The letter stated the MVC is granting an extension of the "sunset clause" for two years for DRI 88-1. The extension expires on January 2, 2007. Mr. Bussink is requesting the previously approved Plan be re-approved with one change, the change being the re-designation of the Youth Lot to a Homesite Housing Lot. The concerns raised by the Board were about the availability of the Homesite Housing Lot. After discussion Mr. Walton moved to approve and resign the previously approved Plan subject to the re-designation of the Youth Lot to a Homesite Housing Lot. The Homesite Housing Lot shall be released to an Eligible Purchaser within six months of the date of the approval of the road. Mr. Posin seconded. Motion approved. Mr. Bussink also requested the Board accept perk tests instead of Disposal Works Permits as stated in the original approval on note #3. Mr. Bussink offered a compromise of a septic plan for the Homesite Housing Lot but would prefer perk sites for the other lots. Mr. Meegan moved to have the re-approval certificate state:

#3 Lot #34 is buildable only as a Homesite Housing Lot.
#7 Prior to the sale of the Homesite Housing Lot a disposal works permit               shall be obtained from the Board of Health.

Motion approved.

Mr. Bussink will provide two paper copies and one Mylar copy to Ms. Cini for the Planning Board’s next meeting. Mr. Bussink has six months from the date of re-approval to file the Plan with the Registry of Deeds.
After the original Plan was re-approved Mr. Bussink requested an informal discussion with the Board regarding other possible plans for the parcel. He presented three sketch plans, each of which shows four ”market” lots as well as the Homesite Housing lot. All lots are to be covenanted against Guest Houses, with a resulting drop in potential houses from five (inclusive of two Guest Houses in addition to the Homesite) to four plus the Homesite. The three other plans all involved reconfiguring of lot lines from the original plan, increasing lots from three to four but limiting all of them to no guesthouses thus decreasing the potential for density.  There was some discussion of the several incentives in the Rate of Development bylaw: houses under 3000sf, no guesthouses, homesite housing lot(s). Mr. Posin suggested limiting the house size and implementing an Architectural review clause for any of the homes built in the subdivision. After much thought Mr. Bussink stated he would return with a proposal limiting the square feet of the homes. Mr. Bussink stated he is considering building the home for the Homesite Housing Lot. Mr. Posin suggested an Architectural review since there is a possibility of the recipients of the Homesite Housing Lot seeking to build their own house with "sweat equity".

Meeting adjourned @ 6:20p.m.

These minutes respectfully submitted by Deborah Cini, Administrative Assistant.